Get Involved
Life is so much better when you step off the sidelines and get involved! Discover how you can serve others, build meaningful relationships, and impact your local community.

See all our events in one place...
We've always got something good going on at Liquid Church.

Bring clean water to the world.
It's a crisis of epidemic proportions. Right now, 711 million people on the planet still don't have access to clean, safe, drinking water. It's a crisis you won't hear about on the news, and yet diseases from dirty water kill more people every year than wars and terrorism combined. The good news is, we can make a difference!

At Liquid, clean water is our global cause
We envision a day when every person on the planet has access to safe, clean drinking water. That's why we give both our money and manpower to the cause.

Our Water Warriors travel to Africa & Central America
We've sent out more than 50 Clean Water Teams on mission trips around the world. We're always looking for people who are willing to get dirty for clean water!

Fund a clean water well with a gift to the cause
Your financial generosity could bring an entire village clean drinking water!
Join a Group
Be intentiional about how you spend your time and who you spend it with. Try joining a Small Group with 8-12 people who spend time socializing, praying together, and studying the Bible.

Join a Dream Team
Be a part of something bigger than yourself and help make church happen on Sundays. Our Dream Teamers rock babies, teach the Bible to children, and mentor Middle Schoolers. They welcome new guests and serve up free coffee. Techies and muscians use their creative gifts on our media and worship teams. How could you serve others?

Serve your community
Community Outreach is a part of our DNA at Liquid Church. Help us make a difference in New Jersey by serving our neighbors-in-need. No experience is necessary. All you need is a desire to help!
Strategic Partnerships
We provide manpower and financial support to organizations working to create meaningful change in NJ.
Serve In Your Community
Each of our 7 Liquid locations works to build local partnerships, so you can make a difference close to home.

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."