Racial Reconciliation
We believe we have more in common in Christ than differences that divide us.

Jesus calls us to be racial reconcilers
We feel called to take active steps to equip our people to be racial reconcilers who bring justice, hope, and healing to our divided world. Racism is not just the individual sin of a few bigoted people; it is an institutional iniquity that must be replaced with Jesus’ Kingdom vision of justice, equality, and unity for people of every race and ethnicity (Galatians 3:28).
As followers of Christ, the Cross is central to our faith. The Cross is both a bridge to God and a battering ram that tears down walls of racial division. Jesus has given His followers the “ministry of reconciliation” and calls believers everywhere to be active bridge builders and racial reconcilers (2 Corinthians 5:18-21). The blood of Jesus bonds believers of every color as eternal spiritual family.
We acknowledge that the Church has miles to go in her journey toward authentic racial justice, reconciliation, and lasting reform. A powerful next step is education. We’ve curated a special collection of resources below to help you broaden your perspective and enlarge your heart for life-on-life reconciliation.
Thoughtful voices
Follow these thought leaders on Instagram to experience their unique, passionate, and powerful perspectives on racial justice.
Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil
Author, Speaker, Professor, and Reconciliation Leader. Dr. Salter McNeil is sharpening reconciliation leaders to transform the world.
Latasha Morrison
Speaker and NYT Bestselling Author of Be The Bridge. Host of Be The Bridge Podcast. Committed to teaching others to live justly.
Chasing Justice
Chasing Justice is a nonprofit organization where emerging leaders are working to rebuild a just world through faith in Jesus.
Faith & Prejudice
Faith & Prejudice is a movement of local churches committed to building bridges to racial equity to redeem the role of the church in society.
David W. Swanson
Author of “Rediscipling the White Church," and Pastor of the multiethnic, multiracial, and multicultural New Community Covenant Church in Chicago.
Jemar Tisby
NYT bestselling Author of The Color of Compromise. A Historian of race and religion and professor at HBCU Simmons College of Kentucky.
Rich Villodas
Brooklyn-born Pastor at New Life Fellowship Church in NYC. Author of The Deeply Formed Life & Good and Beautiful and Kind.
Michelle Ami Reyes
Culture Coach, Consultant, and Speaker. Dr. Reyes helps build healthy cross-cultural relationships.
What can you do next?
Recognize. Repent. Respond.
• Commit regular prayer time to the topic of racism
○ Pray for a change in your own heart
○ Pray for a change in our country
○ Pray for the Church and its leaders as they work to unite all in love and equity
• Learn to be quick to listen and slow to speak (James 1:19)
• Put yourselves in situations where you are the visible minority
• Continue to grow in your diversity journey by learning about unconscious bias
• Who are the voiceless in your community? How can you help provide them a voice?
• Deepen your dialog by reviewing this Glossary of Racial Reconciliation Terms
• Consider starting a book club with some of the referenced books
• Diversify your friend group
• Provide time, money, and resources for those who have been historically disadvantaged
• Consider joining a group that is working toward racial justice