Kids & Middle School
We design creative, fun, and interactive programs for every age and stage. With music, drama, and storytelling, kids learn about Godʼs love in a dynamic way each week. Ultimately, we want all children to understand how God’s Word fits into their lives.
Your kids will love it.
At Liquid Family, we partner with parents to help kids develop a faith that sticks. When kids join us for Sunday Services, it's our goal for them to make friends, have fun, and learn about Jesus in real and relevant ways.
Fun for all ages & stages
We have custom curriculum for each age and stage. Bring your babies and your Middle Schoolers! Each Sunday service in Liquid Family includes Bible lessons, worship music, activities, and games that will have them begging to come back to church!
Available at every location
All 7 Liquid Church locations in New Jersey offer our full Liquid Family programming from birth - Middle School. We even have Liquid Family Bible Lessons available on our Liquid Church App, so if you're joining us online your kids can participate too.
Is it safe? Absolutely
All Liquid Family Staff and volunteers undergo a thorough interview and background check process. We have protocols in place to make sure children are safe and secure when they're in our care. Please don't hesitate to ask us any questions you have!
New Here?
We're glad you're here! Our staff and volunteer leaders are dedicated and give their time, talent, and energy so that your kids can flourish. Have questions for us? Fill out our Interest Form and we'll be in touch!
Join the community of parents online
Join the conversation our parents are having on social media. Plus, you’ll get the latest news, events, and photos.
Stay in the loop
For all things Liquid Family, please subscribe to our weekly parent email.
Camp Rock
Liquid Church is proud to host a Creative Arts Camp for kids currently in grades 1-8 that is Christ-centered and leverages music, theater, voice, dance, video, and graphic design to reach the hearts and minds of the next generation. This is not your typical VBS... we have YouTube Creator Studios, classes in hip-hop dance, AI music generation, videography, and much more. Our 2025 Camp will run from July 14th - 18th. Stay tuned for details on registration!
One Location
Camp Rock will be hosted at Liquid Church's Parsippany, NJ location where kids will take advantage of our onsite technology, multiple performing stages, and creative environments..
Registration Is Closed
Whether Liquid is your church home or you've never been before, all children are welcome to attend Camp Rock. Registration for 2025 will open later this Winter.
Dream Team news
Our Dream Team is the heart and soul of Liquid Family! These volunteers help to care for and invest in your children each week.
Volunteer Access
Hey Dream Teamers! View our
weekly curriculum, schedules, and
get access our training videos.
Join Our Dream Team
Are you considering serving with us? We'd love to have you! Use the button below to learn more.