Life Events
Let's celebrate, share, and support each other in life's milestone moments.

Ready to jump into the "holy hot tub?!" Baptism is all about going public with your faith in Jesus and communicating to the world your heartfelt commitment to following Him. Jesus Himself was baptized, and the Bible commands believers to follow His example. Learn what it looks like to take the plunge!

Healthy marriages don't happen by accident. Let us support you through the different seasons of your relationship.

Baby Dedications
One of the cutest celebrations at Liquid Church! Baby dedications represent the commitment of parents to raise their child to be a follower of Christ. It's also an acknowledgement that our kids are God's kids and we want to help fulfill His wonderful plans for their lives.
Fall 2024 Dedications
We celebrated the dedication of dozens of babies at Liquid Church this September! Stay tuned for our Fall 2025 date.
Spring 2025 Dedications
We host baby dedications twice a year here at Liquid. For those planning ahead, we will host dedications again in Spring 2025. Stay tuned for the date!
If you have experienced the loss of a family member or loved one, our Liquid Church Campus Teams would be privileged to walk alongside you and your family during this season.