High School
We want Liquid High School to be the place where students feel completely accepted and supported. A place where you can have fun, find friends, and learn about Jesus.

Mentorship Cohorts
We all need authentic relationships with a few close friends, which is why you should consider joining us! Registration is now open for our Spring Mentorship Cohorts! High School Students will be able to participate in our new Alpha Youth Cohorts where students will gather to explore life, faith, and meaning through conversations facilitated by a group leader! Cohorts are meeting on Sundays in both Parsippany and Princeton and last for 8 weeks.

Serve with us
Students can make a significant impact by serving on a Dream Team. Develop new skills, find community, and cultivate your leadership potential.

Join our community online
Stay connected. See what we're up to. Follow Liquid High School on Instagram.
High School FAQs
Whether you're a parent or a student, you probably have questions about Liquid High School. Let us help! Here are a few of the most important things to know about us.
The High School Experience (aka...HSX) is a large gathering of ALL our High School students from across all 7 Liquid Church locations. Students get together on the first Sunday of each month during the school year from 6:30-8:30pm. We either gather at our North Hub in Parsippany or our Central Hub in Mountainside. Our very own Liquid High School Worship Team rocks the house and we kick off a new message series for the month with live teaching. You're invited to come early for the pre-party: free food, games, and a ton of fun getting to hangout and make new friends. If you're new to Liquid Church, the High School Experience is a great event to check us out.
We encourage all our students to join a Dream Team at their local campus. In fact, we have an army of teens that serve on Sunday morning. Many of them serve in our Liquid Kids environments or as Buddies for children with Special Needs. Tech savvy teens often help run media and tech, and the list goes on. We love to see our students mobilized to be the church. This is one of the reasons why we don't have high school services on Sunday mornings. We want to help students grow their faith and experience the joy of being a part of God's bigger story.
We believe partnering with parents is the best way to help your teens develop a faith that sticks far beyond the high school years. Students need caring adults in their lives to help them reach their God-given potential. We want to provide that care and encouragement through our staff and mentors. We're committed to walking alongside students throughout their high school years. Together we can make a greater impact!
Not only do we have an annual High School retreat, it might just be one of the best things we do at Liquid Church! Our annual retreat is called The WKND. This is where we load up all our students, staff and mentors, and head out to the mountains of PA for a weekend of zip lining, rock climbing, late-night food parties, and most importantly, a unique experience with God. This is where many of you will encounter God on a new level or even meet Him for the first time!
Still have questions?
Contact our High School Pastor, Gary Casaletto, who will be happy to help you out.
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